Buzzer illustrator interview: Danielle Jette
Buzzer illustrator interview: Danielle Jette

Another issue of the Buzzer and another illustrator interview! Yay!
We were lucky enough to have Danielle Jette illustrate the cover for the August Buzzer, which was dedicated to the fall service changes. She was kind enough to take some time out to do a quick interview with us:
Who is Danielle Jette?
Hi, I am a Vancouver based illustrator and designer!How did you come up with your illustration for the Buzzer?
I was inspired by Vancouver’s big busy skyline.Do you take transit? If so, what’s your favourite mode?
I take transit everyday! I like taking the Canada Line SkyTrain because it is fast, clean and close to home.What’s your favourite colour and why?
My favourite colour is turquoise because it is bright.Peer into your crystal ball, and tell us what you see for yourself in the future.
In the future I hope to work in publishing, live by the beach, and adopt a Pembroke Welsh corgi.
If you haven’t picked up your copy of the Buzzer yet, be sure to do so or download it here to you check out Danielle’s illustration!
Author: Allen Tung