Transportation and Transit Plebiscite: March 16 – May 29, 2015
Transportation and Transit Plebiscite: March 16 – May 29, 2015

Plebiscite. Referendum. Transit tax. These words have been on everyone’s lips for the last few weeks, months even. Because Metro Vancouver registered voters are being asked to cast their ballots from March 16th until May 29th of this year to decide if they support the 0.5% Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax. The tax would be collected with the provincial sales tax.
Why is this happening, you ask? Well, with one million new residents arriving in Metro Vancouver over the next 30 years, we need to get our transportation system ready for growth — and lots of it! The region’s mayors have developed a transportation and transit plan to meet this growth.
Take a look at what this would mean:
- A 25% increase in bus service, including 11 new B-Line rapid bus routes across the region
- Increased service on SkyTrain, Canada Line, SeaBus and West Coast Express
- Maintaining and upgrading the region’s major roads
- A new Pattullo Bridge
- Light rail transit connecting Surrey Centre, Guildford, Newton and Langley
- An extension of the Millennium Line, tunneled below Broadway in Vancouver, from VCC-Clark station to Arbutus Street
- Investments to improve safety and access for cyclists and pedestrians
You can see more on the Mayors’ Council website.
You decide
All registered Metro Vancouver voters will vote by mail-in ballot between March 16 and May 29, 2015. To register, or update your information, contact Elections BC at or call 1-800-661-8683.
Author: Adrienne Coling
How about a picture showing where these improvements will be. I can foresee a lot of people assuming the bulk of the upgrades will go to the city of Vancouver and vote no as they think they won’t see any local (to them) improvements, and they’re not going to bother reading even short notes to learn otherwise.
Please don’t send me to the Mayor’s Council website again. There are well made sites and then there’s that…
Hi Sheba, thanks for your comment!
It absolutely depends on the area. Each part of the plan affects people differently. ie. More SeaBus runs will impact the North Shore but not those South of the Fraser River. They would get light rail connections. Richmond would get more trains on the Canada Line as that populations is booming. And so on…
Unfortunately, we don’t have any graphics to share of that nature other than what the Mayors’ Council has provided for their campaign. (Sorry, I know you dislike the website!)But it would definitely be helpful to have that!