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Phase 2 upgrades construction is starting at Commercial-Broadway Station

Phase 2 upgrades construction is starting at Commercial-Broadway Station

Summary of Phase 2 upgrades at Commercial-Broadway Station
Summary of Phase 2 upgrades at Commercial-Broadway Station

TransLink is upgrading several existing stations and exchanges along the Expo Line in order to accommodate increasing passenger volumes, meet accessibility commitments and improve the customer experience.

Commercial-Broadway, Joyce-Collingwood, Main Street-Science World (over 80 per cent complete), Metrotown, New Westminster, Scott Road (completed) and Surrey Central have all been identified as priorities for upgrades.

Construction is beginning at Commercial-Broadway Station and we’d though we share some important details with you!

Phase 1 upgrades – completed in 2009

In 2009, TransLink completed Phase 1 upgrades to Commercial-Broadway Station identified in the Commercial–Broadway Transit Village Plan. These upgrades were aimed at improving the station, its immediate environment, and surrounding public areas.

A new entrance with new stairs and escalator was added at 10th Avenue, the north end elevator was relocated to the south end of the station, new glass walls, paving/tiling at the ground level and new retail spaces for future use were added.

This project was part of the Urban Transportation Showcase Project, a series of pilot projects completed in partnership with Transport Canada, TransLink, and local governments.

Phase 2 upgrades – starting now

Commercial-Broadway Station is the busiest station on the SkyTrain system and is a major transit hub for the region – serving 90,000 station trips and 60,000 bus trips per day.

The station currently lacks the capacity to accommodate current ridership, resulting in severe congestion, with long queues at key station “choke points” such as Platform 3, the pedestrian bridge over the Grandview Cut and the bottom of the Commercial Concourse stairs and escalators.

Construction for Phase 2 upgrades begins in the coming weeks and is expected to continue until spring 2017. Phase 2 upgrades will allow for increased capacity, and provide additional opportunities to make improvements to customer safety inside the station.

Project benefits:

  • An additional platform for Expo Line trains, a widened crossing over the Grandview Cut and a new walkway over Broadway to enable the system to expand for future customers as our region grows.
  • New elevators, stairs and up and down escalators to improve access and passenger flow for customers.
  • Updated design features to improve safety and security for all our customers.
  • Better integration with the surrounding community to make it easier to connect to and from the SkyTrain system.

What can I expect? 

Our top priority is the safety of the public, passengers, employees and contractors. Due to the nature of construction activity, we recognize there will be impacts to the public, including noise, traffic impacts and changes to SkyTrain service and station access.

Below is a summary of the key project phases and expected impacts. Please note that timelines are subject to change based on construction activity.

Phase 2A: Grandview Cut Crossing – spring 2015-spring 2017

The first phase of construction will begin with two distinct project sites: the Broadway east stationhouse and within the Grandview Cut where construction crews will focus on building the new Grandview Cut crossing. Upgrades will also be underway to the west staircase, behind the elevator.


  • Existing pedestrian overpass over the Grandview cut will be narrowed.
  • The west staircase will be closed for a portion of the construction period.

Phase 2B: Broadway Platform – spring 2015-spring 2017

While Phase 1A works are underway, a new platform will be constructed to the east of the existing Broadway guideway. Construction work will focus on building the new platform, including hoop trusses and roof mesh. Access to all station entrances, stairs, escalators and elevators will remain open during construction.


  • Platform widths will be reduced in some areas to allow for construction hoarding.
  • Passengers can expect minor SkyTrain service adjustments.
  • Noise associated with large construction projects, including nighttime work with varying levels of noise while trains are not operating, is expected to begin in several weeks. Notifications will be sent in advance of particularly noisy work.

Phase 2C: Broadway Passerelle – spring 2015-summer 2016

During the second phase of construction, crews will build and install the new Broadway passerelle. The passerelle will be constructed off-site then lifted onto newly constructed columns on Broadway.


  • Passengers can expect minor SkyTrain and bus service adjustments.
  • Bus stops for the 99 B-Line and #9 will be temporarily relocated.
  • Drivers and pedestrians can expect temporary traffic impacts, road and sidewalk detours.
  • Neighbours can expect noise associated with large construction projects, including nighttime work with varying levels of noise while trains are not operating. Notifications will be sent in advance of particularly noisy work.


For more information, you’ll want to read the Commercial-Broadway Station Upgrades FAQs and our latest information boards. Passengers can stay up-to-date throughout construction by visiting

Author: Jennifer Morland


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