Compass Tickets—Coming Soon to a SkyTrain Station Near You!
Compass Tickets—Coming Soon to a SkyTrain Station Near You!
Starting this week, Compass Tickets are available at Braid, Lougheed and Sapperton stations. This marks the start of our phased roll out of Compass Tickets.
We know you’re excited about Compass, and now you can start traveling with Compass Tickets as they become available at SkyTrain stations over the next two months. Compass Cards will become available in October. Please note, Compass Tickets need to be tapped in and out, too!
You can purchase Compass Tickets at Compass Vending Machines (CVMs), which are being activated in phases. CVMs will be turned on at several stations each week between now and the end of October.
With the phased roll out of CVMs, we’re giving our customers the time and support they need to adapt to the new system. We’ll have extra staff at each station to assist people and answer questions.
In order to help customers adjust with ease, until December 31, 2015, traditional Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) will remain in place at all Millennium/Expo stations; and one cash-only TVM will remain at each Canada Line station.
Customers who already have Compass Cards can also use CVMs to load Stored Value and check their balance.

Author: Laura Tennant
Right now i can go to Lougheed and load Novembers Monthly pass onto my compass card?
You will have to wait till the 20th of the month to load next month’s but pass. So for November it’s October 20th.
So if I had a compass card from the beta… is it still useable? (i.e. Can I load money/monthly pass into it?)
Thanks! =)
No, they have been deactivated. You will have to wait till late October when they are released to the general public.
Hi all, wow! Thanks for hopping to those answers, Anonymous! You are correct, beta cards have been deactivated and when Compass rolls out to all riders, you will need to purchase a new card that includes the $6 deposit. Thanks for your interest! is a great resource :)
Are monthly passes still available to purchase for September 2015?
Yes. Continue buying monthly paper passes at your local fare dealer for September and October. November is when monthly passes can be loaded onto compass cards which will be available for purchase in late October
I live in zone 3 and work in Zone 2 & have been taking a bus, skytrain, bus to get to work. When the one zone for buses comes in to effect, the price will be $2.75 to travel anywhere on a bus and then another $2.75 to ride the skytrain?? This is very expensive if true.
Hi Nikki, Yes, all buses are one zone fare as of Oct 5.
If your trip includes rail and/or boat modes of travel (SkyTrain incl. Canada Line), SeaBus, West Coast Express) you will continue to pay for the zones you travel – the same as you do today with an add fare.
@Nikki: at most you would continue to pay the 2-zone fare of $4… unless you are paying in cash.
Once they shut the faregates (the date of which has not been announced), if you start on a bus with cash, the transfer you get will not get you into Skytrain, so yes, in that case you’d pay $2.75 to get on the bus and then $2.75 to get on Skytrain. That’s completely avoidable, though, if you pay with Compass, because then it works as it should and you can transfer from bus to Skytrain within the usual 90-minute window.
However, you may end up paying less than $4, because if your Skytrain travel is all within 1 zone, from what I understand you could then get away with just a 1-zone fare of $2.75 (well less, even, because you’ll have a Compass card). Observe:
1) You get on the bus in Zone 3 and pay for your zoneless bus travel.
2) You cross from Zone 3 to Zone 2 on the bus.
3) You transfer onto Skytrain in Zone 2… to the best of my knowledge, because buses are now zoneless, Skytrain won’t “know” that you started your trip in Zone 3, so as far it cares, you are tranfering to Skytrain from Zone 2.
4) You get off Skytrain still in Zone 2. (If you get off Skytrain in a different zone, it will definitely charge you an addfare.)
5) You get on your bus still in Zone 2, and then get off in Zone 2 (in this case, you could actually get off in any zone, because buses will be zoneless).
I might be wrong on (3), but even then, you would start paying $2.75 to get on the bus and then get charged the addfare of $1.25 when you got on Skytrain, for a grand total of $4 like you pay now.
However step (3) works, or even if it’s your Skytrain travel that crosses the zone boundary, you won’t pay more than you are now… unless you insist on paying cash after they close the faregates.
When will Compass vending machines be activated at the king edward skytrain station?
Also when i load a monthly pass onto my compass card at a compass vending machine, how long would it take for the pass to become active?
Any way to make that super annoying screeching beep more subtle?