Lots to learn at TransLink.ca!

Lots to learn at TransLink.ca!

website screenshot
There is so much information on our website from plans and projects to fare information, Trip Planner and even an events calendar for all things TransLink.

Here are some updates we’ve done lately. Click the links provided to take a peek!

surveillanceRiding transit, you may have noticed that some of our transit vehicles and properties contain video and/or audio recording devices.

Recording devices are present around the system to ensure the safety and security of everyone on and around our system and we take the privacy of all concerned very seriously.

TransLink’s Privacy Policy and Video Surveillance & Audio Recording Privacy Statement have been recently revised. They explain our privacy practices, how data is protected and how, when and why we would disclose information collected.

Both documents are available at translink.ca/privacypolicy.

The statements reflect compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and supports our long-standing commitment to protecting the privacy of our employees, customers and the general public.

Get involved today!
Get involved today!

Have you taken the Transit Consultation Survey yet?

You have until November 6th to weigh in on several proposed bus route changes.

There is also a section at the end where you can add your own suggestions!

And Compass has arrived!

This area on the website is your one-stop-shop for Compass information including products, usage guides and the benefits of using the card.

A useful link found here is askcompass.ca.

This is where you can ask any question you have about the Compass program and see what others have asked too.

There’s always something new at TransLink.ca so be sure to check back often!

Author: Adrienne Coling

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