TransLink gets a new CEO!
TransLink gets a new CEO!
**Update – see videos below and at the bottom of the post**
We will be streaming live via Periscope with our new CEO Be sure to follow us at 11am. You can view the video now!
You can find the media release here.
TransLink is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Desmond as our new Chief Executive Officer.
Kevin Desmond comes to us from King County Metro Transit where he is the General Manager.
That’s just a stone’s throw over the border!
Kevin has been with King County since 2004, overseeing a mix of transit modes, including buses, trains, vanpools and paratransit vans, as well as leading their almost 5,000 employees.
During his time at Metro Transit, they launched light rail and streetcar service, several bus rapid transit lines, grew transit ridership by 44 per cent and rolled out the ORCA Card — much like Metro Vancouver’s Compass Card!
Prior to Metro Transit, Kevin was Vice-President of Operations and Development at Pierce Transit in Lakewood, Washington, Chief of Operations Planning for New York City Transit and was a Deputy Director in Mayor Koch’s Transportation Office and Assistant Commissioner for the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.
On top of all that, he is a member of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA Board of Directors and the first chair of APTA’s Sustainability Committee).
Talk about a transit-filled resume!
And how will he be getting to and from work, you ask?
Well, he plans to relocate his family to New Westminster where he will be able to walk, bike to work, or take a short SkyTrain ride to TransLink’s head office!
Please help us welcome our new CEO who will be joining us starting March 21, 2016.
Author: Adrienne Coling
What did you think of this story?
I don’t use the Skytrain very often but when I do it’s usually at the Commercial/Broadway station and I can never figure out which line is which. There are signs about Expo and Millenium but when you get to the split there is nothing indicating which goes where.
It wouldn’t cost much to put Expo over the stairs up and over the catwalk. As it is I’m never sure I’m on the right track until I get to the platform. And even then only if I find out beforehand that its terminus is King Edward. As well, not all platforms indicate East and West or destination.
Daily commuters won’t have this problem but the rest of us need a little help.
Were there no Canadians that were qualified for the job?
Wow – what a great resumé Mr. Desmond has; perfect for our location, and for our values of sustainability. I am so impressed. The TransLink Board is to be congratulated for making such a perfect choice. Thank you!
Hi all,
Thanks for your comments!
l.Shelstad, the search was actually worldwide! The Board wanted to find the absolute best person for the job, not necessarily based on geographical location. We are getting a very seasoned leader with direct experience dealing with issues TransLink faces day to day and in the future. We look forward to his start!
Janet, I appreciate your concern and we want to make the system easy to ride for every day users or occasional riders. Please pass your suggestions on to Customer Relations so they can forward to the correct department. Here is the link for you:
My comment is on Skytrain – I would like to see skytrain and NOT LRT in Surrey, we have too many lights and congested roads now, it needs to be skytrain!!!
Respectfully submitted