New Customer Information hours begin March 14, 2016
New Customer Information hours begin March 14, 2016
In May 2015, Customer Information (CI) – or as you probably know them ^jkd, ^mr, ^ck, ^ah and others – extended their hours to better communicate with transit customers across the system.
The trial was so successful that the extended hours will continue!
Starting on March 14, the new hours of CI are:
Monday to Friday: 5:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 6:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
CI works tirelessly to provide updates about service and answer customer’s questions in real time.
So much so, that we have nearly 92,000 followers on Twitter and have tweeted 245,000 times!
Take a look at a few of the tweets from our customers thanking this amazing team!
Have transit questions?
Reach out to the CI team @TransLink on Twitter or call 604.953.333!
Author: Adrienne Coling