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Evergreen Extension off to a strong start!

Evergreen Extension off to a strong start!

Mark I on the Evergreen
The Evergreen Extension to the Millennium Line leading out to Port Moody has been in operation since December 2, 2016.

This extension has meant a faster and more direct route for thousands of riders a day plus better connections for West Coast Express riders.

We are extremely happy to report that after only three months of service, the Evergreen Extension is attracting 30,000 daily boardings!

In January 2017, more than 60 per cent of all weekend transit journeys
in the Tri-Cities were on the Evergreen Extension!

Because most of the growth and development in Tri-Cities today is happening near SkyTrain stations, transit becomes a key factor for new residents deciding where they live and work.

In the coming months and years, we anticipate many new residents, as well as bus and car users, will begin to take SkyTrain as they see the benefits of commuting by an interconnected rapid transit service.

Statistics from the first two months:

  • Approximately 30,000 trips were taken on an average weekday in January on Evergreen Extension.
    • By comparison, the 97 B-Line, which largely covered the same route before it was discontinued, had only 10,000 boardings per weekday.
  • 150,000 people tried the Evergreen extension during first eight weeks of operation, the equivalent of every resident of Coquitlam trying the line once.
  • 46% of weekday transit boardings in the Tri Cities happen on the Evergreen Extension, while that number jumps to 60% on weekends.
  • 20% of Evergreen extension trips start and end within the Tri Cities.

For more information, you can see more information on the Evergreen ridership here.

Do you travel on the Evergreen Extension?
Check out our latest Evergreen Explorer blog about grabbing a cup of joe on your commute!

Author: Adrienne Coling


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