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Join us for a Jane’s Walk and explore art on transit!

Join us for a Jane’s Walk and explore art on transit!

Jane's Walk
I’ve had a tumultuous past with Jane’s Walk.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Jane Jacobs was an incredible woman who sparked a worldwide movement!

Unfortunately, my last Jane’s walk got a bit soggy.

But! I’ve put the pond behind me and I’m so excited to participate in this year’s festivities!

What is a Jane’s Walk?

The international festival is inspired by urbanist and author Jane Jacobs who believed in walkable neighbourhoods, urban literacy and cities planned by and for the people.

(She also would have been 101 years old TODAY!)JJ

The walks are free, citizen-led tours to get people telling stories about their communities, exploring their cities and connecting with neighbours.

Although Jacobs was not trained as a planner, she wrote one of the most influential books on city planning, The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

This year TransLink’s own Debra Rolfe will be leading a walk!

Debra is a planner specializing in public art in TransLink’s Facility Design Team. With a background in art history, urban design and transportation planning, she brings a multi-disciplinary approach to art on transit.

So, it’s only fitting that her walk and talk entitled “Getting Where You Want to Go, Beautifully” is exploring the art found on and around transit.

Walk details

Where: Stadium-Chinatown Station, outside the Lost Property Office (look for the Jane’s Walk sign!)
When: Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Walk Route:

  • Stadium-Chinatown SkyTrain Station Concourse level
    Outside Lost Property Office
  • Main Street-Science World SkyTrain Station
    Outside East Station House
  • Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station|
    By 99 B-Line Queue
  • Joyce-Collingwood SkyTrain Station
    Outside East Station House

**Please bring your Compass Card loaded with valid fare or a one-zone Compass Ticket.**

If you’re an art lover, a transit fan or both, you won’t want to miss this!

Interested in other Jane’s Walks in our area? Head to
Don’t miss out on the social fun, follow @JanesWalk on Twitter!

Author: Adrienne Coling


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