Hamilton Transit Centre turns 1 today!
Hamilton Transit Centre turns 1 today!

One year ago today, Hamilton Transit Centre (HTC) opened its doors in Richmond and started operations! Transit centres are the hubs of our transit system and are one of the most important factors in sustaining the livability of Metro Vancouver. Transit centres also keep buses on the road and help keep you moving daily, all 400,000 of you!
HTC has helped take pressure off our other bus depots and allowed us to increase efficiency and capacity as Metro Vancouver continues to grow. Today, HTC represents an important and sustainable advance in the modernization of our infrastructure.
What makes Hamilton Transit Centre so great?
HTC has the capacity to accommodate 300 forty-foot buses and features a maintenance building, service delivery building, waste water treatment building, bus washing building and fueling building. HTC is a unique and innovative facility that was built to LEED Silver standards and has many sustainable features including salvaged, pine beetle wood ceilings and roofs which helps to support B.C’s timber industry, LED lighting, a heat-reflective roof and much more. These initiatives allow us to be greener while reducing operating and maintenance costs. Lighting design at the Hamilton Transit Centre has been developed to keep as much light as possible directed to the facility and not to the surrounding residential sites.
So what?
The addition of HTC has allowed us to increase efficiency and capacity which allows us to deliver new, annual service hours across the region as part of the 10-Year Vision.
Did you know that as of September 4, we’ve added 105,000 new annual service hours across the region? To learn more, visit translink.ca/servicechanges to see the full list of improvements.
Author: Christina Jakopin
Hooray!! And also on December 2nd the evergreen extension turns one!