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Raven Rescued by Your Friendly Neighbourhood SkyTrain Attendant

Raven Rescued by Your Friendly Neighbourhood SkyTrain Attendant

Being a SkyTrain Attendant means you’re a jack-of-all-trades. On any given day, you may need to help someone find their destination, assist a customer having a medical issue, or even manually drive the SkyTrain (if needed in extreme weather). The list of situations SkyTrain Attendants may find themselves in is long and often falls into the, ‘and other duties’ portion of the job description.

That’s what SkyTrain Attendant Pat discovered last week when he encountered a distressed raven that trapped itself behind a fenced off area.

During his shift at Holdom Station, Pat heard what he described as a child crying loudly. After analyzing the area, he found a raven mimicking the call for help, and a friend circling around to keep it company.

If you ever find a distressed animal by transit centres and don’t know what to do, we recommend notifying our SkyTrain Attendants or call the Wildlife Rescue Helpline (604-526-7275) with a message detailing what you have observed. This is for the best interests of the animal and you.

In this situation, Pat was able to help. Going beyond the ordinary is just one of the things our SkyTrain Attendants do everyday.

Your friendly neighbourhood SkyTrain Attendants have a broad responsibility to provide all our passengers (feathered or not) with a smooth transit experience. To learn more about what they do, take a look at Cheri’s interview as she talks about her 17+ years dedication to the job.


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