The start of something new with RapidBus
The start of something new with RapidBus

This week we launched our biggest improvement to the bus network in Metro Vancouver since 1996. Our brand new RapidBus program provides fast, frequent, and reliable bus service to new corners of the region:
- R1 King George Blvd (Guildford Exchange/Newton Exchange)
- R3 Lougheed Hwy (Coquitlam Central Station/Haney Place)
- R4 41st Ave (UBC/Joyce-Collingwood Station)
- R5 Hastings St (SFU/Burrard Station)
This new service is a crucial component of the Mayors’ 10-Year Vision transit expansion plan, offering up to 20% faster service than local buses! When the first phase of this plan was approved in 2016, we acted swiftly to roll out historic levels of bus service increases to a region in desperate need of more and better transportation options. And now, we’re taking our bus game to the next level with RapidBus.
The Faster, the Better
Imagine arriving at a stop, knowing the next bus is always minutes away and being able to see exactly when the next bus will arrive—that’s the promise of RapidBus. It’s more than just a rebrand of B-Line, it’s better in every sense of the word. When customers see a green and blue bus approaching, they can expect even faster service and superior amenities.
What makes RapidBus faster? Service features such as fewer stops, all-door boarding, and redesigned streets will ensure buses spend more time moving and less time waiting. What makes RapidBus better? Improved amenities for customers, including a new distinctive brand, real-time bus arrival information, and accessibility features such as text-to-audio and tactile pads will help make RapidBus easier to identify and ride. Together, these ingredients will yield a competitive service that will serve existing customers and critically, attract new ones as well.
It Takes a Village (And a Region)
While the team at TransLink has been working tirelessly to make this project a reality, RapidBus would not have been possible without the support of our municipal partners and the communities along these new corridors. Our buses are instrumental in creating connections to employment, education, and healthcare, but their performance is being hindered by rising road congestion throughout the region. Rolling out a fleet of new buses won’t do any good if they spend all their time stuck in traffic. That’s why we need continued regional collaboration to implement the kinds of bold transit priority programs necessary to keep buses moving smoothly.
The Promise of More
Our work doesn’t end with this initial launch of RapidBus routes. The R2 Marine Drive route on the North Shore connecting Phibbs Exchange and Park Royal will enter service in spring of this year. After this, an additional seven RapidBus routes are in the cards for the people of Metro Vancouver! Our next step is to engage the public on two proposed RapidBus routes serving Surrey, Delta, Richmond, and Burnaby. The remaining five routes are unfunded, but will complete the RapidBus network once they are approved and implemented. These RapidBus routes will crisscross Metro Vancouver, unlocking new connections to regional hubs and providing important transfers to SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express.
This is our promise of providing more to our customers—more transportation options and a better quality of life.

Kevin Desmond, Former TransLink CEO
Kevin Desmond is the former Chief Executive Officer of TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s transportation authority that moves 500,000 people every day. He oversaw planning, financing, and management of a region-wide multimodal transit network that includes bus, rapid transit, passenger ferry, para-transit, and commuter train service, with over 8,000 employees.