TransLink ridership begins recovery

TransLink ridership begins recovery

Waiting for SkyTrain at Lougheed

Ridership has increased by 85 per cent since early April

New figures show early signs of ridership recovery on Metro Vancouver’s transit system. Systemwide boardings last week were 85 per cent higher than the second week of April, which had the lowest ridership levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’m very pleased to see our customers gradually returning to the transit system,” says TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond. “We’ve worked hard to ensure our customers have confidence in transit by developing the Safe Operating Action Plan, which keeps our services as safe and reliable as possible.”

TransLink’s Safe Operating Action Plan increases cleaning and sanitizing of transit vehicles and hubs, increases service levels, creates space between customers where possible, and recommends that all customers wear a mask, if they are able to do so.

While ridership has been gradually increasing, systemwide ridership is still low compared to pre-COVID levels. Systemwide boardings are currently at around 33 per cent of the levels they were at last year.

Week Boardings Increase since early April
April 5 – April 11 1,396,000
April 12 – April 18 1,467,000 +5 per cent
April 19 – April 25 1,548,000 +11 per cent
April 26 – May 2 1,580,000 +13 per cent
May 3 – May 9 1,683,000 +21 per cent
May 10 – May 16 1,726,000 +24 per cent
May 17 – May 23 1,876,000 +34 per cent
May 24 – May 30 2,219,000 +59 per cent
May 31 – June 6 2,578,000 +85 per cent


Mode Boardings April 5 -11, 2020 Boardings May 31 -June 6 2020 Increase
Systemwide* 1,396,000 2,578,000 +85 per cent
Bus 903,000 1,631,000 +81 per cent
Expo-Millennium 372,000 697,000 +87 per cent
Canada Line 109,000 221,000 +103 per cent
SeaBus 10,000 23,000 +130 per cent
West Coast Express 2,000 6,000 +200 per cent
HandyDART** 4,300 6,700 +56 per cent

*Excludes HandyDART given separate measurement method
**HandyDART measured in trips rather than boardings