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TransLink to remove abandoned bikes from Bike Parkades

TransLink to remove abandoned bikes from Bike Parkades

Bicycles which have been left abandoned or discarded in TransLink’s Bike Parkades are periodically removed and donated to charity. The Bike Parkade will ensure an efficient use of bike storage space as customers return to using the transit system.

To start the cleanout, Transit Police will place a removeable tag on all bicycles stored in parkades and take down detailed descriptions of the bikes. About two weeks later, Transit Police will remove any bicycles which remain tagged and match the recorded description.

Bicycles removed will first be checked if they were stolen through police databases and 529 Garage, which is an online service to report stolen bicycles in the community. Owners will be contacted by Transit Police if a bicycle’s serial number matches a police report or a 529 Garage report.

All bicycles that have not been reported as stolen will be donated to the PEDAL Society’s Pedals for the People Program. The PEDAL Society is a non-profit organization that provides quality bicycles to Metro Vancouver residents in need of affordable transportation through their Pedals for the People Program.

Quick facts:

  • Bike Parkade rules and regulations ask customers to only use the facilities for single-day use, and prohibits long-term storage
  • Metro Vancouver has the largest transit-integrated Bike Parkade network in Canada
  • Five new Bike Parkades have opened this year at Bridgeport, Burquitlam, Lafarge Lake–Douglas, Maple Meadows, and Port Coquitlam stations
  • In total, there are 11 Bike Parkades on TransLink’s network with a total of 560 spots for bicycles
  • Each Bike Parkade is a fully lit, indoor, glass-walled facility equipped with CCTV video surveillance and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Bike Parkades cost $1 a day capped at $8 per month
  • Customers can register their Compass Card for Bike Parkade access at

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