New public art installation comes to Stadium–Chinatown Station as part of Capture Photography Festival
New public art installation comes to Stadium–Chinatown Station as part of Capture Photography Festival

We are pleased to announce our Stadium-Chinatown Public Artwork by Émile Régnier, How do you love me? presents black-and-white self-portraits with an Afro hairstyle as well as straightened hair, signifying versions of herself that are deemed more “Black” and more “white” by society at large. In some images, Régnier has cut and taped together film, which she has then scanned into one photograph, splicing together two different images of herself. In these pictures, the artist is literally bifurcated and the two versions of herself are juxtaposed, a visual that is suggestive to the viewer of the nature of the reality she must negotiate.
How do you love me? will be on view at Stadium- Chinatown Station from April 2, 2021 to March 2022.
Curated by Emmy Lee Wall, Capture Photography Festival. Presented in partnership with Capture Photography Festival.