Foldable, electric kick scooters can ride transit too
Foldable, electric kick scooters can ride transit too

British Columbia’s kick scooter pilot project is under way in participating communities across the province.
Many of you are taking advantage of this new way to get around. Like combining cycling with transit, combining riding your electric kick scooter — or e-scooter — with transit can be one of the fastest ways to get around in the city. It will also allow you to travel further than you would otherwise only riding your scooter.
Customers can bring their foldable, electric kick scooter on board buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express. Safety is our priority, so like bikes, there’s limited capacity on board transit and restrictions — please visit the TransLink website for details.
Transit staff, at their discretion, may ask customers to bring their e-scooter (or bike) on board at another time if it’s busy and the e-scooter cannot be safely accommodated. We also ask customers to fold and store away their e-scooter while on board and to keep aisles clear to ensure the safety of fellow riders. Electric or gas-powered seated motorbike-type scooters are not allowed on board.
We’re more than just transit at TransLink. We’re here to support you in using active transportation and sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, carpooling, and more to get around!
Customers should consult with their local participating municipality and the Government of British Columbia’s website for more information on the pilot project and where you can safely ride your e-scooter.
What did you think of this story?
E-Scooter fires are dangerous. These things should never be in an enclosed space with people.
These machines do not belong on transit. Will not ride transit with explosive battery packs. Give your fire safety guy a warning.. He probably doesn’t even know. Bad decision Trans link..
This is likely a DIY scooter pushed to it’s limits, we have batteries on transit all the time in Phones and Laptops, they are properly designed and don’t cause issues. e-scooter group rides have hundreds of participants and don’t have fires, this will not be an issue on transit.
Transporting foldable, scooters and electric bikes responsibly within public transport is a very good thing ? because it allows many people to travel longer, it helps our economies and we use less pollution and accidents that cause traffic jams every day.
Leave your phone at home lest it goes note 7 then.
The batteries in e-scooters are far larger than those in laptops and phones.
There are guidelines in aviation as to the size a battery can be. These should be applied to transit, as well.
E-scooters should not be allowed in elevators and other places where people have no means of escape.
It really looks great, I’ve seen many other posts, that’s the info I needed, thanks for sharing.
How about you shut the f up. Drive a car if you don’t want to use public transit.