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To the people who keep this region moving, thank you!

To the people who keep this region moving, thank you!

SkyTrain Field Operations Supervisor Lance Hakim is one the many people who keep this region moving.
SkyTrain Field Operations Supervisor Lance Hakim is one the many people who keep this region moving.

Heather Michaloski has been a HandyDART driver for over 30 years and says her customers and clients have become a “little family.” Heather is just one of thousands of transit workers who keep the Metro Vancouver region moving.

Where would public transit be without the people behind it?

Today is Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day, a day dedicated to honouring and appreciating our incredible people who keep our region moving. Once again, we’re joining transit agencies across the country to mark the occasion.

The last two years have been particularly hard on our passengers. The pandemic also brought a new set of challenges to our frontline workers. Through it all, they have shown amazing resilience during a difficult time.

“It was the test of tests,” says Michael McDaniel, President and General Manager of Coast Mountain Bus Company. “Everybody got it done and kept through it every single day,” he adds.

It takes a village — a village of over 8,400 employees, actually!

So, thank you!

From our Bus Operators, SeaBus crews, SkyTrain Attendants, Transit Supervisors, Customer Information employees, West Coast Express workers, SkyTrain Control Operators, TCOMM, Maintenance crews, Transit Security and Transit Police Officers, and all those working behind-the-scenes, plus the folks at HandyDART, it’s so vital for us to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the tremendous team who keep transit moving daily.

Transit employees are united by the common goal of delivering the best possible service to customers, no matter where they work — whether it’s on the shop floor, in the driver’s seat, at our stations, or in the office.

“This is our chance, on behalf of the broader riding public, to show some gratitude to transit workers. We’re here to say thank you for being amazing and for everything you do to keep us safe and secure,” says Kevin Quinn, CEO of TransLink.

“The transit workers that work for BCRTC, they are the heart and soul of our business. I think they make a fantastic team; I think it’s a fantastic system and I know it’s only there because of them,” explains Michel Ladrak, President and General Manager of the British Columbia Rapid Transit Company.

We want to show our heartfelt appreciation and say thanks to every one of you.

As a customer, we encourage you to do the same.

Show your appreciation

Let your local transit workers know how much you appreciate them:

  • Use the hashtag #ThanksTransit on social media. Make sure to mention @TransLink so everyone knows you’re giving kudos to a Metro Vancouver transit worker.
  • Leave a comment below and tell us who you appreciate and why.
  • Call Customer Information at 604.953.3333 and leave a commendation for a transit worker.
  • Have a specific story to share? email it to

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