SkyTrain map gets a superhero makeover

SkyTrain map gets a superhero makeover

People walking by the Avengers SkyTrain map at Braid Station

Are you a Marvel fan? Do you enjoy getting lost in the world of superheroes and supervillains? Hold onto your capes, as the Avengers have officially invaded Metro Vancouver’s SkyTrain stations! That’s right, each SkyTrain station in the region has become an honourary destination in the Marvel universe with this reimagined SkyTrain map. The map is part of a community partnership with organizers of the Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N experience to support and encourage superfans to get there via transit, just steps from Brentwood Town Centre Station.

We renamed our station names after locations in the Marvel universe.

The Avengers SkyTrain map

Where to find the Avengers SkyTrain map

Transit riders will see this Avengers SkyTrain map at five locations across the region:

  • The Nexus of All Realities Station (Waterfront)
  • Sovereign Station (King George)
  • Titan Station (Rupert)
  • Mirror Dimension Station (Braid)
  • Mount Wundergore–University Station (Production Way–University)

So, if you find yourself in any of these five stations, keep an eye out to see which part of the Marvel universe you’ve landed in. Who knows, maybe they’ll lead you to a new adventure. After all, with great signage comes great responsibility, right?

Learn more about the immersive Marvel’s Avengers experience at and find your best transit routes there by visiting take transit to this immersive Marvel’s Avengers experience.

The Avengers SkyTrain map at Braid Station with the guideway in the background

Looking for other creative SkyTrain maps


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