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Here’s what you need to know about why TransLink is cutting corporate costs

Here’s what you need to know about why TransLink is cutting corporate costs

TransLink is facing a financial challenge. That’s why we’re bridging a growing funding gap through a series of efficiency measures, totaling approximately $90 million annually. We’re taking these steps now, at a corporate level, to protect you, our customers, from any cuts to frontline transit services for as long as possible.

Why it matters: At a time when Metro Vancouver’s booming population continues to demand reliable transit, we need to find an additional $600 million per year, starting in 2026, after provincial relief funding runs out.

  • Our costs have risen faster than fare prices have increased, which have been held at levels well below inflation.
  • The regional shift toward electric vehicles is causing a decline in fuel tax revenue – we collected $34 million less in revenue from the fuel tax in 2023 than 2022.
  • Costs of construction, labour, fuel, maintenance, and new vehicles have been increasing at unprecedented rates. Major expansion projects such as the Broadway Subway Project and Surrey–Langley SkyTrain will also require significant new funding to operate once complete.

What we’re doing: Our focus is on efficiency and revenue generation without impacting current service levels. Some key cost-cutting measures include:

  • Eliminating 35 unfilled corporate roles and deferring other positions
  • Reducing third-party contractors by bringing more work in-house
  • Reducing research grants and projects on mobility innovations
  • Reducing leadership training courses
  • Reducing ridership development and community initiatives
  • Increasing fare evasion enforcement on the transit system
  • Optimizing debt management strategy
  • Reducing IT software and hardware expenses

The bottom line: While these steps will help to save money, they don’t fully address the long-term funding shortfall. Without a new funding model, we may be forced to cut service after 2025.

Zooming out: We’re urgently working to find a funding solution with government partners that supports transit expansion, not reductions.]

  • Maintaining and expanding public transit is crucial for Metro Vancouver’s growing population and economic health.
  • We need to fund the Access for Everyone plan so we can meet the needs of an ever-growing population in Metro Vancouver.
  • The plan requires a total investment of $21 billion over the next decade and there’s something in it for everyone — whether you are a transit rider, cyclist, pedestrian, or driver.
  • It will allow us to more than double bus service, add up to nine bus rapid transit routes, make improvements to the region’s major road network, increase HandyDART and SeaBus service, build the Burnaby Mountain Gondola and the SkyTrain extension to the University of British Columbia, expand cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, and so much more.
  • Read the plan at

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