Friday fun poll: which type of train do you like best? (Now includes new SkyTrains and Canada Line cars!)

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the favourite train poll. Last week's survey: what do you read when you ride transit? Last week…

SeaBus service augmented on Sat Sept 12

Due to a concert Saturday evening in West Vancouver, SeaBus will maintain 15-minute (two-vessel) service until midnight to handle the anticipated…

A 351 love story

Mike and Annie in front of the last 351 -- the very place they met each other. Here's a fun story for Friday. I got an email from Mike few days ago,…

Two tidbits: Vancouver transit then and now, Next Bus text record

One of the historical transit photos showcased at Vancouver 1948 – Photo credit: Jack Lindsay. Two tidbits you might be interested in:……

Five spots to dine along the Canada Line

We're highlighting spots to visit along the Canada Line, if you need some reasons to explore! Check out earlier posts in this series, and if you…

Dubai launches its new automated train system

An illustration of Jebel Ali Station in Dubai. Photo from Dubai's Road and Transport Authority. Well look at that: Dubai opened its new automated…

Post 9am transit update for Wed Sept 9

Things are quite quiet at City Hall now: the trains are rolling thru much emptier and the lines from the 99 are smaller. Other Canada Line stations…

9am-ish transit update for Wed Sept 9

The latest from Drew: OK ... Canada Line peak time appears to be over at BRIDGEPORT, but there may still be some heavy loads out of…

8am-ish transit update for Wed Sept 9

Right now: trains to Waterfront are alternating between quite full and half full at City Hall. Platforms are always cleared tho. Lots of ppl get off…

730am-ish transit update for Wed Sept 9

‪‪ From my view, trains to Waterfront are fuller. 30-40 are getting off the trains here at City Hall tho, so there's lots of room for those boarding.…

7:10am transit update for Wed Sept 9

It's raining hard out here... Take an umbrella if you're going outside! I'm at Broadway City Hall this morning. The morning rush is apparently…

Check the Buzzer blog and Twitter for transit updates on Wed Sept 9

Well, this morning's exercise went so well that we're doing it again tomorrow. Watch for transit updates on the Buzzer blog and via @kenhardie on…

A few tidbits you might be interested in…

In tidbits today, the Transit Police have released their 2008 Report to the Community. I have several tidbits on hand that I just haven't been able…

SeaBus elevator out of service

Eep — SeaBus elevator users, take note. The elevator at the SeaBus south terminal – from the terminal to the overhead walkway leading to Waterfront…

9am transit update for Sept 8

So it seems things are basically calm again... I'm signing off from the road but here is one final update from Drew. COMMERCIAL-BROADWAY - lineups…

