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Your submissions for I Love Transit Week

Your submissions for I Love Transit Week

A few examples from our pile of entries for our I Love Transit Week colouring contest.

To say this week has gone by quickly is an understatement. Jhen and I have been busy all week prepping for I Love Transit Night as well as spreading the love on the blog. In turn, Buzzer readers have also been busy colouring the July Buzzer newsletter. The variation in colouring styles, techniques and ages of artists has been great. The contest runs until Monday, July 23, so here’s still a few more days to get those submissions in and be considered for one of two prize packs (those prize packs include a FareCard)!

I’m always amazed at the creativity of our readers. Besides colouring, poetry was also sent to us. The Canada Line played a part in these following two submissions. The first is from nine-year-old Graham Colquhoun.


Canada Line

I step on

The Doors close HARD

Temptation, Sensation, Repetition

Wheels move and

Articles swing like bells in a church

I close my eyes; waiting for momentum

As my five senses vibrate,

I watch the lights go by


I am now in a railway with

Cowboys and cacti

Or in the belly of swirling dragon surrounded by brave knights

The next stop is a Floating hover craft and laser beams

Movement STOPS

eyeballs drop,

bags sling

the doorrushopen

and people crowdOUT

as time ticks away

when the last person jumps in

entrances lock

and the process is reborn…

Here’s Bonnie Quan Symons’ poem.

Skytrain, Canada Line, Bus Routes 4 and 7

From downtown Vancouver,

the Skytrain takes me to Surrey, in forty minutes, to visit my friend,

out to Metrotown, each Boxing Day.


From my workplace,

the Canada Line, one way, takes me downtown in two stops,

on Skytrain just one stop, to T & T,

to shop for sticky rice, frozen dim sum, salmon sushi,

going the opposite way, it gets me to the airport!


From my home,

I only have to take one bus,  #4 or #7,

to travel downtown,

on which I have been entertained a few times—


a drinking window washer exchanging his life story with another passenger,

both were 48 years old;

a loud woman commenting on a woman passenger’s book,

to a male passenger’s hairstyle, then, on another male passenger on wearing curlers on his head.


Where would we be without Translink?

We also received some fantastic drawings and photos all about transit.

Thanks to everyone who submitted content for I Love Transit 2012. Every year, the week and the night gets bigger is scope and popularity. Jhen and I would like to thank you all for making this week so successful and so much fun! Here’s to I Love Transit 2013!

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