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Bus service improvements coming to West Vancouver on April 5

Bus service improvements coming to West Vancouver on April 5

West Vancouver Blue Bus
West Vancouver service changes come into effect on April 5!

Hey Buzzer readers – do you remember when we told you about the North Shore Area Transit Plan in a post back in 2012?

To refresh your memory, public consultation began in the fall of 2010 and concluded in the summer of 2012. The upcoming changes respond to what we heard from more than 2,500 North Shore residents and stakeholders during the North Shore Area Transit Plan public consultation process.

Drum roll please….on Saturday, April 5, TransLink and West Vancouver Transit will implement the following improvements:

250A Dundarave/Vancouver

  • Significant increase in weekday AM and PM peak period service increases to every 7.5 minutes, from Dundarave to Vancouver.
  • Weekday off-peak period and weekends/holiday buses increases to every 10 minutes.

251 Queens and 252 Inglewood

  • The current one-direction service along both routes will be replaced by a two-direction service with 51 new stops long Queens and Inglewood.
  • Service will operate every 30 mins during peak periods and every 60 mins in off-peak periods.
  • Customers who travel to downtown will transfer at Dundarave or Park Royal.

For more details on the consultation process visit the North Shore Area Transit Plan.

Author: Angela Salehi

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