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This Summer’s Special Issue of the Buzzer is Now on the System!

This Summer’s Special Issue of the Buzzer is Now on the System!

I Love Transit
The Special Edition Buzzer is now on the system!

This edition is dedicated to celebrating both our love of transit and the 125th anniversary of transit in the region!

Acting as a hybrid issue, one side takes a look at the last 125 years of transit in BC and the other is devoted to I Love Transit Week running this summer from August 31st to September 4th!

Just like I Love Transit issues of years past, half of the edition is yours to colour! And if you take part in the colouring contest and send a coloured copy our way, you could win one of two fare cards drawn on September 9th.

If colouring isn’t your thing, but you still want to participate, you’re in luck because we have a few more activities up our sleeves!

During I Love Transit week there will be contests, transit camps and opportunities to share your I Love Transit stories!

Transit camp details and how to share your transit stories are inside the issue, but you will have to check back on the blog for contest info.

Finally, this issue also includes a back issue, TransLink contact information as well as information on where to send your Compass Card questions.

Happy reading! Pick it up today on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast Express or you can download it here.

The regular issue of the Buzzer will be out later in August!

Author: Laura Tennant


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