I Love Transit: “My Best Passenger”

I Love Transit: “My Best Passenger”


It’s here, it’s here! I Love Transit 2016 is here!

Some of the best stories of transit love come to us from our front line staff like our bus operators.

Vickie Bowne has been an operator since 1998 and has been working out out of the Port Coquitlam transit centre for the past 17 years.

Recently Vickie had, what she describes as, the the best day of her transit career thanks to her bus buddy, 10-year-old Aidan (aka her ‘best passenger’) and everyone at the PoCo depot who made HIS day!

Read on about Vickie, Aidan and the best. day. ever.

I first met Aidan about a month ago when he rode my bus.  He then got on again a few weeks later and after discussing things with him and his nurse we arranged to have Aidan tour the Poco Transit Depot.

Once there, the staff in the front office welcomed him. He was given all kinds of fun stuff!

Then the maintenance supervisor showed him the maintenance yard where the buses get fixed. We then walked through the depot and introduced him to quite a few drivers, some who knew him. He was sure in his element! 20160727_13393320160727_133944

What does Vickie love about transit?  For her, it’s all about the connections she makes!

“As a driver I love the interaction with the people that ride our buses.  I have seen kids grow up, new refugees figuring out the bus routes, many seniors struggling to get by, and many that have passed away.  The connections we make affect their lives and I just hope that if they ride my bus it is in a positive way.”

Author: Adrienne Coling

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