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We’ve got a brand new TransLink website!

We’ve got a brand new TransLink website!

Check out the new <a href=>TransLink website</a>!
Check out the new TransLink website!

The TransLink website has a whole new look — check it out at!

We’ve totally redesigned it to focus on your needs as customers. The old site was really a corporate-focused site: it just wasn’t properly set up to help you get the information you need.

So now, our revised site has a new look and feel, a much more organized structure, and it’s completely focused on helping you find what you need.

For example, research showed that 90 per cent of visitors to the TransLink website were only there to find the trip planner—so a trip planner widget is now in the middle of the homepage.

The trip planner itself has a new feature too: once you select a trip plan option, alerts will now pop up, notifying you of any situations affecting your chosen bus or SkyTrain routes.

What else is new?

On the Driving page, you can now easily access cameras showing the situation on roads and bridges across the region.
On the Driving page, you can now easily access cameras showing the situation on roads and bridges across the region.

On the site, cycling and driving sections now have much more prominence. And the driving section has a really exciting feature: built-in access to traffic cameras, so you can see the live situation on roads and bridges across the region.

The old Current Operating Conditions page has now been renamed Alerts. It’s going to be updated much faster, as staff at T-Comm, the traffic control centre for our bus fleet, can now input information directly onto the site.

Plus, there’s also fun little toys like a carbon footprint calculator, and built-in Web 2.0 tools to help you share our content through sites like Digg or Facebook.

Much more coming in the future

There are many more features and pages that aren’t ready for launch, but will be rolled out in the coming weeks. I’ll have more info as we get those on the go!

We’re also really committed to updating the site regularly, and adding new features and content as we grow as an organization.

Everybody’s excited about the new site here, and we hope you are too! Let us know if there’s any issues via the web form, or feel free to put them into the comments below.

PS. Yes, we have officially moved over to, not No more secondary domains for us anymore! Also, yes, the old site address will continue to work in the future.

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