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Enter the TransLink Ride-Share Week photo contest!

Enter the TransLink Ride-Share Week photo contest!

TransLink Ride-Share Week is coming up: October 5-9, 2009!
TransLink Ride-Share Week is coming up: October 5-9, 2009!

TransLink Ride-Share Week is coming up on October 5-9, and we’re running a contest to showcase your best ridesharing photos!

The grand prize is a $100 Chevron gas coupon, to help out with your ridesharing costs.

(By the way, ridesharing is also known as carpooling: the term “ridesharing” just seems to be more popular around here. It’s probably due to from Jack Bell Ride-Share, our region’s major ridematching database.)

How do I enter?

If you’ve captured an image that evokes the enjoyment of ridesharing—whether a fellow passenger is having a snooze, or you’re whizzing past people while driving in the HOV lane, or saving money and being green—we want you to share it with us!

Just upload up to three of your best ridesharing photos to the TransLink Ride-Share Week Flickr pool. In the photo description, tell us where the photo was taken, and tag the picture with “” (including quotation marks!)

To upload to the group, you can create a free Flickr account. If you don’t want to, just email your photo with the required info to, and we’ll put it up for you.

Enter your photos any time between now and October 9, 2009!

You can also sign up for free at to win more gas coupons and ferry passes during TransLink Ride-Share Week. You can find a new ridematch, or just register your existing ridesharing arrangement so others can join your ride. Again, the service is entirely free!


We’re going to ask you, the Buzzer blog readers, to vote on the winning photo at the end of Ride-Share Week. We’ll do a poll on Friday and you pick the best shot!

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