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Friday fun post: are you planning to go to a lot of Games events?

Friday fun post: are you planning to go to a lot of Games events?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about travelling during the Olympic period.

Last week: do you tend to help out new folks on transit?

Last week’s fun post asked if you usually helped out new people on transit.

Well, we had 110 votes in the poll, and 75.5% said they do try to help out new folks on transit. The remaining 24.5% said no, they don’t usually help out.

The comments showed a mix of experiences, as usual! It seems like most people are willing to help, but they don’t always get asked. Here’s Tsushima Masaki:

I don’t think I have an “ask me” face. I don’t really give off a friendly vibe so as a result of that I’ve had no one asking me for advice. I’m also somewhat reserved so I usually don’t make an effort to ask if someone needs help when they look lost. But then again I also haven’t really been around the busy transit hubs during peak times.

There was a time last year when, coming back from the ferry terminal on the 620, I helped a group of people who were unsure of how to get to Hastings Street. Then when when I was on the Bridgeport Station platform I guided a man to the bus bay he was looking for, and then when I was finally on the train I helped two other people find their way. That must’ve been a record for me!

On the flip side, Sally said she always gets asked for directions, and Nathan even had a good story about helping out someone (I hope this isn’t a spam comment, btw :):

I always try to help whenever a person is in need on transit. I’ve got a good story for you from recently..

I was taking the new airport sky train line to pick up a relative the other day. A man on the sky train was confused and asked me for directions.

He was actually trying to head downtown but was getting confused on directions and told me someone pointed to this direction so he went. :) I guess this is what being new to the city is like.

Anyway, we talked for abit and I ended up telling him where to go and lending him a spare map I had.

For thanks, he actually gave me a cool case for my iPhone! I wasn’t expecting anything but it turns out he ran and to thank me for being friendly.

It pays to help out on transit!

As always, feel free to check out the original post to read everyone’s comments! (There was a bit of a discussion about washrooms in SkyTrains there — as far as I know, there’s no plans to put any in, but here’s a handy list of where to go while on transit.)

This week: are you planning to go to a lot of Games events?

Just wondering how many of you locals are planning to travel around a bunch during the Games period!

What did you think of this story?


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