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Friday fun post: what’s your favourite SkyTrain line?

Friday fun post: what’s your favourite SkyTrain line?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll on your favourite SkyTrain line

From last week: do you have a favourite bus route?

Last week, I asked this question:do you have a favourite bus route?

With 143 votes in, 80% said yes, 20% said no, and 1 Pac-Man was clearly visible in the pie chart.

And I didn’t realize you would have so much to say on the matter! So many comments named favourites—and here’s Sean from CMBC, with a view as a passenger, and from behind the wheel:

Always liked riding the #250 out to Horseshoe Bay… Used to also enjoy the old #100 when it ran all the way out to PoCo city hall… It was called the Midway Connector way back then…
Of course, always liked my local #601. The A/C equipped buses are really nice on a hot summers day…

Haven’t tried it yet myself, but it’s never been easier to get from south Delta to Haney Place! The C76 takes you to 64th & Scott, then the newer #364 takes you out along 64th to Langley Ctr, and then (most trips) continue as the newer #595 out to Haney Place via the new Golden Ears bridge! Will have to try that one day soon! Oh, and the #160 is always an interesting ride from Coquitlam into Vancouver…

My favorite route to DRIVE doesn’t exist anymore, not in it’s original form anyways. That was the old #42 Chancellor/Spanish Banks route… A community shuttle does parts of it now…
I’d say I enjoy driving the #430 alot, and the #620 too… Something about limited stops appeals to me…

Here’s emily:

for scenery:
22 — love going through chinatown, never to seem to end up walking the neighbourhood, so might as well enjoy the view from the bus!
7 — love going by the old sugar refinery building, and the docks & vancouver port…also powell has some interesting older Vancouver buildings…
160 — so much contrast in all of Lower Mainlands different neighbourhoods: downtown Port Moody; beautiful stretch of Barnet Highway (view of the Inlet, even Indian Arm); bustling Italian North Burnaby; DTES (interesting in its own way); and then downtown!

And surprisingly (or not?) lots of people talked about routes in other places. Here’s Dave 2:

The #15… in London England ;)

And here’s David Arthur:

The sights along no. 24 in London are rather nice, and it’s run with double-deckers that aren’t usually very crowded. And if you prefer the countryside, the 554/555/556 between Windermere and Keswick has some fairly spectacular bits.

As always, check out the rest of the comments for more favourite bus routes.

This week: do you have a favourite SkyTrain line?

Time for another simple poll, this one suggested by Ric.

Feel free to champion your favourite line in the comments :)


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