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I Love Transit Week 2010: Rebekah Mahaffey on finding love on transit

I Love Transit Week 2010: Rebekah Mahaffey on finding love on transit

It’s I Love Transit Week from July 12-16 — because even though there’s things we don’t like about transit, there’s much we do like! All week I’ll be sharing essays, stories, and more to celebrate transit. Come to I Love Transit Night on Thursday July 15 too – full details here!

The lovely story that follows was sent in by Rebekah Mahaffey.

Rebekah and her husband Scott!

I love transit because…well…I found love on transit! Sounds cheesy but it’s true. My husband and I met on the #25 bus about four years ago. As sometimes happens in that great ‘third place’ called transit, especially when it’s busy and you are standing VERY close together with lots of other people, we started chatting. We seemed to hit it off immediately and chatted about everything and anything. Eventually I got a seat and, because it was raining, I offered to hold his bag on my lap so that it didn’t get wet on the floor of the bus. After awhile, however, his stop came up and he got off the bus – saying ‘goodbye’ regretfully I thought, but not asking me for my number. 

The next day I was at work and a co-worker of mine burst into my office screaming that I needed to check Craigslist. And what did I see! He had posted a ‘missed connections’ ad for me. I was nervous and so didn’t respond right away but eventually I wrote back and agreed to go on a date. The rest is history – and we got married in February of 2009. You just never know who you can meet on the bus!

ps: true story! My husband Scott Bernstein and I met on the #25 bus in 2006. 

Thanks so much for sharing your story Rebekah!

For everyone else out there: have you ever met anyone on transit who became part of your life? Anything from good friends, future ex-girlfriends, or your next roommate: share it below!


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