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The April 2011 Buzzer is now out!

The April 2011 Buzzer is now out!

The April 2011 Buzzer is now on board all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express!

The whole Buzzer is devoted to the bus service changes happening on April 18, 2011: there are in fact so many that I had to push out the community events and the history item :(

But it’s for a good cause: many bus services have been adjusted in order to increase efficiency, boosting service on high-demand routes and reducing service where demand is low. (You can see all the changes online here). It’s part of the service optimization project that we talked about last year, and I’ll have a blog interview with one of our planners up next week to talk more about it.

And for the eagle eyed transit fans, you might be pleased to note that the #14 trolley route will be returning on April 18! The 14 was an iconic trolley route that ran on Hastings from 1955 to 1997, and in its new form, it will be taking over parts of the 10 and 17 routes to run from Hastings to UBC. I will have more on the 14 in a blog interview next week with another of our planners.

Again, I am quite proud to have a cover from a local illustrator: this time it’s the lovely Andrea Wan. Thanks Andrea!

And I’m also proud to give QR codes a try on the Buzzer—get a QR code app for your smartphone, snap the codes in the Buzzer and you’ll reach various links on the TransLink website! Thanks to reader Sean Turvey for suggesting QR codes in the first place :)

If you can’t get the Buzzer on the system, you can always read it in PDF form on our website. Visit our Buzzer PDF archives, or grab this direct link to the PDF.

Remember to enter the FareCard contest too! You can win a free FareCard in every issue of the Buzzer: read the issue, then email in your info and the answer to the trivia question by Wednesday, April 20 at 9 a.m.. We’ll pick a winner from all the correct answers, and that person will be notified by phone shortly after the draw.

Enjoy the latest Buzzer as always! Comments are welcome below.

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