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Amancay Nahuelpan-Bustamante: August Buzzer illustrator interview

Amancay Nahuelpan-Bustamante: August Buzzer illustrator interview

Amancay and this illustration.

Have you read the latest Buzzer newsletter yet? If not, you can pick it up on almost all of our different modes of transit or simply download it as a .pdf. The cover illustration of the August Buzzer was done by Amancay Nahuelpan-Bustamante. We saw his work, Monsters on Georgia; dragons on Robson! posted on Illustrated Vancouver and knew he would make a great contribution to the Buzzer. Amancay took the time to answer a few questions we had about his work and the man himself:

Tell us about yourself and your art?

I was born here in Vancouver, but moved with my family to Chile when I was seven years old. I went to school and university there and finished with with a major in interior design. After spending years working in the design industry back in Chile and travelling here and there, I decided to return to Vancouver in 2009. In 2011 I moved to Spain for a year and came back again last June.

I usually identify my art with the comic art style. I’ve been making comics for a while and sequential black and white pages are my main field. That’s the style that I feel really represents me. That said, I still have a variety of styles that lets me take on other kinds of projects like this month’s Buzzer cover or even educational books.

You have a unique style. Are you influenced by anyone?

Mainly comic book artists, Greg Capullo, Eduardo Risso and Travis Charest to name a few. I also try to seek out different styles of art to improve mine.

Have you ever drawn transit before?

Never, this was the first time and I hope not the last. I really had a fun time working on this cover.

Are you a transit user? If so, what does summer on transit mean to you?

I use transit all the time. I only move around Vancouver with my bike and TransLink. My part-time job is by Broadway Station, so the 99 B-Line or Millennium or Expo lines are always part of my trip. My main route is between Nanaimo Station and Granville.

Summer on transit for me means getting on the bus or train and heading to all the outdoor activities and parks in the city to enjoy the sun.

What can we expect from Amancay Nahuelpan-Bustamante in the future?

Some projects in the comic industry. I’m working on a couple of graphic novels and series that hopefully will see the light soon. I’m also working on my graphic novel, CLANDESTINO. I started publishing a mini series through Graphicly called HIJOS DE P. I made it when I was back in Chile and It’s available now for free every week in English. You can find more info on both of these projects on my web site or by following me on Twitter @annbonline for updates on what I’m working on.


Thanks for the interview Amancya and thanks for the illustration!





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