Building a better transit line: how location and land use make or break good transit service

Buses on the 9 and the 99 routes battling traffic. This post is part of a series about Managing the Transit Network: all about how TransLink plans…

Transit service for the Celebration of Light, Wed Aug 1 and Sat Aug 4, 2012

The warning shot: one of the pre-show fireworks set off to warn audiences that the show would start soon. Photo by Eyesplash on Flickr. People of…

8, 9, and 99 riders: Fraser and Broadway bus stop moves starting Monday Aug 6, 2012

The stop at Fraser and Broadway will be temporarily suspended for 18 months owing to construction. A quick heads up for riders of the 8, 9, 99…

Links and tidbits for Mon July 30, 2012

Derek Cheung has a trolley print and he's looking to identify the artist. Details below --- let us know if you have any info! Here's our…

Transit service for getting to the Celebration of Light: July 28, Aug 1 and 4

It's firework time again! Billed as the world's biggest offshore fireworks competition, the annual Vancouver fireworks display (this year called…

On the system – following fare evasion with Transit Police

Crowds at Burrard Station are checked for proper payment of fares. We’re continuing the conversation about fare evasion with this second installment…

Transit in Vancouver vs Seattle vs Portland

A busy SkyTrain station! We've seen this link making the rounds, and just wanted to share! Sightline Daily, the blog of the…

Your submissions for I Love Transit Week

A few examples from our pile of entries for our I Love Transit Week colouring contest. To say this week has gone by quickly is an understatement.…

I Love Transit 2012: looking back on a life of transit travel with Frances Bula

A Vancouver bus speeds by! Photo by Roland from Flickr. Frances Bula! For I Love Transit Week 2012, we're proud to present a special essay from…

I Love Transit 2012: wow, what a night!

A vintage bus full of I Love Transit fans! Wow! What a great time at I Love Transit Night 2012 yesterday! A whopping 147 people turned out to share…

I Love Transit 2012: An interview with Rebecca Bollwitt, owner and operator of Miss 604

If you've read only one Metro Vancouver blog in your lifetime (besides the Buzzer of course), chances are it was the very popular Miss 604. Rebecca's…

I Love Transit Night 2012 is TONIGHT, yo

Our I Love Transit 2012 t-shirt logo! Reminder: it's I Love Transit Night TONIGHT, Wednesday July 18, 2012! Games, food, prizes! Be there: 6pm, the…

I Love Transit 2012: win a Vancouver getaway with the Canada Line!

There's another fabulous contest going on this week from our friends over at the Canada Line! Canada Line is the SkyTrain line that runs between the…

I Love Transit 2012: an interview with Taras Grescoe, author of Straphanger

Straphanger by Taras Grescoe. Author Taras Grescoe! For I Love Transit 2012, I'm proud to present an interview with Taras Grescoe, author of the new…

Arrr: we can’t ride the 1964 GM bus to I Love Transit Night 2012 (but you can still see it at the event)!

Arrrr --- the bus won't be able to take us for a ride after all! Crumbs! I've just had news from TRAMS that we won't be able to offer a bus ride on…

