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Knight Street Bridge – Mitchell Island Interchange Improvements Project

Knight Street Bridge – Mitchell Island Interchange Improvements Project

TransLink Knight Street Bridge - Mitchell Island Improvements
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We’ve made some great improvements to the Knight Street Bridge– Mitchell Island interchange!

These changes will make the bus stops and pedestrian walkways much more accessible and safer for both transit riders and operators alike.

Pedestrian Improvements

There are a few changes for the off ramp to Mitchell Island Northbound and Southbound. Transit riders and pedestrians have been walking alongside traffic, with just a small barrier between walkway and traffic.

The road surface has now been widened up to one metre, to accommodate for more room behind the barriers for pedestrians to walk safely along the expanded path. Over 60 metres of barrier have also been installed to further improve the safety of the walkway.

Pedestrian crosswalk signs are now also up to signal newly painted crosswalks to new traffic islands both north and southbound Mitchell Island off-ramp.

TransLink Knight Street Bridge - Mitchell Island Improvements
After picture

For both the northbound and southbound stops, bus operators have found it difficult to maneuver their buses into the catch basin for transit riders to board easily.

To address this, we’ve created larger passenger landing areas for both bus stops, and replaced the asphalt with new concrete capping.

For the southbound stop, the catch basin has been shifted to accommodate the new landing area and wheelchair ramp access. This helps the operator easily park the vehicle parallel to the landing area.

The passenger crosswalks to both bus stops were also reinforced with repainted crosswalk lines, and new signage was put up to signal drivers to watch for pedestrians.


Do you frequent this interchange at all? If you do, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Do these improvements make it more safe and accessible for you to take transit?

Author: Angela Chang

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