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Poll: Did you know…

Poll: Did you know…

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Every day, I get some really interesting facts crossing my desk and filling my inbox. Some are facts I already know–like how our transit system has roughly 1.2 million boardings each day. Others are facts around transit technology and info about bus routes.  But sometimes I get real gems:

Yesterday, I was sent some info about our Major Roads Network (MRN) that I found pretty interesting. I’m always keen for info about the MRN since I find the conversation about TransLink (online and offline) usually focuses around the transit system.

I dare say some people are unaware that TransLink manages this extensive network of roads in the Greater Vancouver area.So, I thought I’d share this bit of information as a poll to test your TransLink knowledge. Here goes…


UPDATE: The answer is Ensenada, Mexico which is 2,400 from Vancouver! 

If you reorganized TransLink's Major Road Network (MRN) end to end (in terms of lane Kilometers), how far would it reach?

  • Ensenada, Mexico (47%, 53 Votes)
  • Sacramento, CA (38%, 42 Votes)
  • Portland, OR (15%, 17 Votes)

Total Voters: 112

The answer to this question and the results will be posted next week!

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you how we can best communicate with our customers in 2014. I’ve taken your feedback, including your thoughts on announcements, and shared them with the appropriate people in the enterprise.

Part of our look at how best to share information with you is to take a closer look at the info we do share. Some thought has been put into how we can better communicate with the people who live in Metro Vancouver about the integrated transportation system of roads, bridges, buses, ferries and rail. The MRN is an area people are sometimes surprised to hear is part of TransLink’s mandate.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on sharing info like this? Do you think sharing info like this can help people better understand the integrated network and how TransLink helps people get around every day? Perhaps you have a different idea? Are there other interesting facts you want to hear about? All comments are welcome. Let us know!




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