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It’s business as usual until Compass arrives

It’s business as usual until Compass arrives

In case there’s any confusion about how to pay for transit between now and the day when Compass is in full swing, we’d like to clear the air. For now, it’s business as usual.


If you already have a Compass Card, please keep tapping in and out when you use transit. For those who don’t have a Compass Card, you can keep using FareSavers, Monthly Pass, or cash to travel.

Once we begin introducing Compass Cards to the general public, we’ll begin phasing out current forms of fare media, like FareSaver tickets, for example. But for now, you can keep buying FareSavers or whatever fare media you normally use.

keep using your FareSavers, it’s business as usual until Compass arrives!

During transition

Don’t worry, once we begin the transition to Compass, we’ll give you lots of time to use up your FareSaver tickets or convert their cash value to Stored Value on your new Compass Card. During the transition period, you’ll be able to use your FareSaver tickets for a limited time and we’ll broadly communicate the timing of FareSaver discontinuation, so that you can get ready.


Once we phase out FareSavers, you’ll still be able to get a discount on regular fares with the Stored Value option on Compass Cards. Adding Stored Value is just like adding cash to your card, but when paying with Stored Value, you get a discount over standard cash fares, so it’s perfect for single-use trips and paying AddFares. You can also take advantage of AutoLoad and Balance Protection when you register your Compass Card.

For more information, visit our Compass pages or


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