Links and Tidbits – December 12, 2014
Links and Tidbits – December 12, 2014
Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to contribute, put them in the comments, or email us.
A photo posted by Chrissy Nommington (@postcardsformygirlfriend) on
» Chrissy Nommington shared this “TransLink Adventure” postcard on Instagram.
» Our Buzzer readers send us a lot of interesting things and Ivan Chan sent us 3D renderings of Lansdowne Station on the Canada Line that he did!
» A couple of upcoming Christmas events in Metro Vancouver. The Christmas Market in Coquitlam takes place on December 13th at the Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex. Admission is free! The Transit Museum Society is organizing multiple Christmas Lights Tours during the month of December. The tours will be onboard TRAMS’ 1982 General Motors “Reindeer Bus.”
» The New York City Subway turned 110 year old in October 2014 and what did they do to celebrate? They rolled out their vintage subway cars – surprising commuters with an nostalgic ride!
» This cute little girl started a dance party in a New York City Subway station! A band was playing “Me and My Uncle” by the Grateful Dead and she couldn’t help but start dancing. Others couldn’t resist the fun either and joined in!
» More New York: the entire subway system dealt with numerous problems on December 11 from power outages and a manhole fire to doors that opened onto the tracks. )=
» New York Subway wants you to keep your legs shut in this awareness campaign that will be launching in January.
» Moving on to transit etiquette, SEPTA is expanding its “dude it’s rude” campaign. And hey look! Our Pet Peeves campaign is mentioned in the same article.
» The Daily Telegraph shares 11 things that should be banned from public transport.
» Because you know I’m all about that bus / ‘Bout that bus, no treble / I’m all about that bus! The METRO Regional Transit Authority in Akron, Ohio made this awesome video, “All About That Bus” – parodying Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass.”
» Shiny new buses? You betcha. Winnipeg Transit just launched four New Flyer Xcelsior battery-electric buses and they will operate a 40-kilometre, two-hour route between the city’s airport and Watt Street and Leighton Avenue. The buses will recharge for 10 minutes at the airport after each trip.
» Not to miss out on the electric bus fun, the Chicago Transit Authority also added two all-electric buses to their fleet.
» While Winnipeg and Chicago experiment with electric buses, Bath and Bristol in South West England are testing out the “Bio-Bus,” a bus that is powered entirely using gas generated by human waste.
» Over in Philadelphia, the West Philly Runners group took on SEPTA’s 21 bus for their “Beat the Bus” in a race to see whether running from Point A to Point B could be faster than taking the bus. Who won? Read on to find out!
» Tyne and Wear Metro in North East England urges its passengers to “use your brain near a train” in this animated video to educate passengers about the dangers of obstructing train doors.
» This illustration comes from artist Karl Jilg and the Swedish Road Administration. It shows how much public space we’ve surrendered to cars.
» Stockholm made their stairs fun – by turning it into a piano! No word if these are coming to a SkyTrain station near you. ;) (H/T to @AmandaDFrazer)
» Here’s a Bombardier T1 subway train from Toronto dressed up as a refurbished Mark I in a train simulator (OpenBVE) done by our friend Elfren. Want to join the TTC Academy do to runs? Visit to learn more. You’ll have the opportunity to experience the life of a subway train operator and I’m told it’s lots of fun!
Author: Allen Tung
What did you think of this story?
Hello ??: I have some info on that – On Saturday a single Canada Line SkyTrain car had an electrical fire underneath the train, as it neared Aberdeen station. The fire remains under investigation; however, train service between between the Richmond-Brighouse and Aberdeen stations was impacted for just over three hours on Saturday afternoon.
The fire was identified by system alarms in the Canada Line Control Room, with additional reports by staff on site and passengers using the train intercom system.
The safety of our passengers is a top priority. Within three minutes of the alarm, approximately 140 passengers were safely and quickly evacuated by staff, at the Aberdeen train platform. One additional passenger, in a mobility device, was evacuated by Richmond Fire Rescue.
This is the first occurrence of this kind on the Canada Line. A full investigation is being conducted to determine the root cause. In the meantime, all Canada Line trains will be inspected, and a modification to the train component that caused Saturday’s problem will be made to prevent reoccurrence. The Canada Line train is designed to have a very low risk of fire.
More vintage New York subway cars…