Running Rail work continues on the Expo Line

Running Rail work continues on the Expo Line

The Running Rail Replacement Project continues with work near Main Street–Science World Station is starting April 2. Work will not be done on Fridays and Saturdays and is weather dependent.

From 9:30pm until the end of service, Expo Line trains will be single tracking – when trains travel on the same track in alternating directions – between Main Street-Science World and Commercial-Broadway stations.

Expo Line trains will operate between Waterfront to King George Station. Please be aware that during this work, there will be no Expo Line trains to Production Way–University.

There will be a shuttle train operating between New Westminster and VCC–Clark. You can change trains to this service at New Westminster and Columbia stations.

If you are travelling on the Expo Line, please allow for 15-20 minutes extra travel time. Millennium Line and Canada Line will operate normally.

Tips for a faster trip using Special SkyTrain Service

  • If you are travelling from downtown Vancouver and your destination is Sapperton, Braid, Lougheed Town Centre or Production Way–University stations, take an Expo Line train to Commercial–Broadway station and change trains to a VCC–Clark – New Westminster train operating from platform 2.
  • If you are travelling from Commercial–Broadway to Braid, Sapperton, Columbia or New Westminster stations, board a VCC–Clark – New Westminster train operating from platform 2.
  • If you are travelling from New Westminster Station to a destination along the Millennium Line, including Commercial–Broadway Station, take the New Westminster – VCC–Clark train.
  • If you are travelling from Surrey to a destination along the Millennium Line, including Commercial–Broadway Station, ride the Expo Line to Columbia and transfer to a New Westminster – VCC–Clark train.
  • If you are travelling on the Millennium Line Evergreen Extension to New Westminster Station or beyond, transfer at Lougheed Town Centre as you normally would and catch the VCC–Clark – New Westminster train from Platform 2 at Lougheed Town Centre. If required, change to the Expo Line at New Westminster to continue west.

Schedule Adjustments due to events

  • Sunday April 2: Service change delayed one hour, beginning at 10:30pm, to accommodate the Canucks hockey game.
  • Wednesday April 5: Service change delayed one hour, beginning at 10:30pm, to accommodate the Canucks hockey game.

Thank you for your patience during this necessary maintenance to our SkyTrain system.

Know before you go!
For more information on what this means for your commute, visit
Find details on the Rail Replacement Project at replacement.

Author: Adrienne Coling

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