Stadium–Chinatown Station hosts Capture Photography Festival exhibit
Stadium–Chinatown Station hosts Capture Photography Festival exhibit
You may have noticed some work at the third track at Stadium–Chinatown Station the past few days and now, you’ll see a lovely new art installation in this space!
What is art? Are we art? Is art, art? – Lisa Turtle
What’s going on?
TransLink is teaming up with the Capture Photography Festival running from April 1 to 28 and installing a public art piece on our SkyTrain system.
Public art is a key element to creating a welcoming environment, encourages community connections and encourages gathering places which help reduce crime and vandalism.
This temporary installation is called Precession of the Feminine by Alinka Echeverría and will be available for all to enjoy at Stadium–Chinatown for the next year.
A little more about the art
With her combined training in photography and social anthropology, Alinka Echeverría weaves critical questions of visual representation through her work. Precession of the Feminine (2015), which is part of a larger series of works entitled Nicephora, was created while she was completing the BMW Residency at the French Musée Nicéphore Niépce, named after the inventor of photography.
Inspired by Nicéphore’s biography, and the histories of ceramics and photography, Echeverría fuses blown-up images of women from the museum’s archive with ceramic vases in three-dimensional digital simulations.
Using the form of the vase as a metaphor for our understanding of the feminine, the artist invites us to see that which is invisible with our bare eyes – the underlying photographic and printing techniques behind the image itself. The medium is the message (Marshall McLuhan 1972) and in this series the vase is the vessel through which to reflect on this fragile construction of the female image.
In this way, the works subtly reveal how economic and cultural power are linked to photography as an artistic and documentary medium, and have been carried forward through largely invisible codes and techniques, thus becoming normalized and entering our collective unconsciousness.
A precession is a change in an object’s orientation or rotation around an axis. In this work, Echeverría aims to present the precession of representations of femininity. Echeverría quietly questions the perception of photography as a marker of truth, while examining more broadly the way that codes and symbols of femininity are constructed and understood.
Keep your eyes peeled today for the installed exhibit at Stadium–Chinatown Station!
Author: Adrienne Coling
What did you think of this story?
I saw these photos yesterday and was so happy to see something other than advertisements! All the skytrain stations should have ongoing exhibits on one side, and the advertisers can have the other side. Also, it would have been nice to have seen the above explanation posted somewhere at the station so people know what they’re looking at and engage with the art. I got that they were all photos of jars, but I only noticed one jar with part of a woman superimposed. I hope to get back there soon enough to be able to find the other ones. Thank you for doing this. In fact advertisers should help sponsor these kinds of things because they invade so much of our space.
Hi Jen, thanks so much for your comment! We think it looks great, too and love to support local art movements and exhibits such as this! The sign for attribution and more info about the piece should be up tomorrow for riders to see on the system. Thanks again!
Nice. Staring at advertising is tiring and numbs the brain. Give me Art any day. Maybe other stations to follow with local art (at least give it a try one day).