First phase of construction at 29th Avenue Station complete

First phase of construction at 29th Avenue Station complete

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The first phase of upgrade construction work at 29th Avenue Station bus exchange is done!

Starting April 24, 2017 route 016 will be able to return to inside the bus loop to stop #51056 and the current, temporary stop on 29th Ave will be closed.

The sidewalk along the East side of the bus loop will also open so that customers can use this to access the SkyTrain station.

The upgrades for this exchange will include:

  • A new bus bay to allow all buses to pick up and drop off within the bus loop.
  • Improved lighting, glass shelters and lower profile landscaping to make the bus loop more visible and safer.
  • Three new crosswalks to improve safety and access tot he bus loop and station.
  • New bus stop ID poles with braille and tactile strips to meet accessibility standards and better direct customers.

There are more bus stop changes to come before this work is completed and we will be updating you right here on the Buzzer blog!

The project is set to wrap up this summer.

For more information about upcoming bus stop changes at this station,
call Customer Information at 604.953.3333
or visit and click the alerts tab.

Author: Adrienne Coling

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