Get involved! Take the International Bus Benchmarking Group survey, April 24–May 21, 2017

Get involved! Take the International Bus Benchmarking Group survey, April 24–May 21, 2017

TransLink is a part of the International Bus Benchmarking Group (IBBG) that measures bus performance from larger transit agencies across the globe.

Each year, we ask our riders to participate in a survey through IBBG that helps us look at best practices, customer satisfaction, performance measurements. Your feedback is extremely important so that we can use to make our bus service better than ever!

Being a part of this group also gives members the unique opportunity to learn from other bus companies to improve performance.

Members of the International Bus Benchmarking:

The survey will be available from April 24 until May 21, 2017.


Check out a short interview with IBBG!

Author: Adrienne Coling