Get involved! Southwest Area Transport Plan consultation continues May 23 to June 19, 2017

Get involved! Southwest Area Transport Plan consultation continues May 23 to June 19, 2017

Last year we began consultation for the Southwest area of Metro Vancouver that highlighted transportation improvements in Richmond, Tsawwassen First Nation, South Delta and connections to North Delta.

We’re back again with Phase 2 of the Southwest Area Transport Plan (SWATP) and we still need your help and want your input!

Take the survey from May 23 until June 19 and have your say, your way on proposed changes for this area.

What exactly IS SWATP?

I’m so glad you asked!

SWATP is a review of this area that will focus on improving transit service and infrastructure while addressing cycling, walking, driving and goods movement.

The planning process looks at customer experience, current and projected land use and development, transportation and ridership data as well as feedback from the public, stakeholders and local governments.

What is the goal of SWATP?

Proposed changes in Phase 2 aim to:

  • Provide more reliable and convenient bus service.
  • Provide Frequent Transit Network (FTN) service along key corridors.
  • Improve bus service for growing communities and large areas of employment, including industrial areas.
  • Make NightBus more direct for service to Richmond City Centre and YVR Airport.
  • Identify regionally-significant corridors for cycling investment.

How do I get involved?

Again, so glad you asked!

First, read all about the proposed changes to Southwest area at

Take the survey!

It just takes a few minutes of your time and you can do so by clicking here.

Attend an in-person event:

Ladner May Days
Sunday, May 28, 2017
10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Steveston Farmers & Artisans Market
Sunday, June 4, 2017
10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Bridgeport Station
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
3 p.m.–7 p.m.

Tsawwassen Farmers Market
Saturday, June 10, 2017
10 a.m.–2 p.m.

North Delta Farmers Market
Sunday, June 11, 2017
10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Pick up a paper copy of the survey at these locations:

  • Delta library branches– George Mackie, Ladner Pioneer, Tsawwassen
  • Kennedy Seniors Recreation Centre (North Delta)
  • KinVillage Community Centre (Tsawwassen)
  • McKee Seniors Recreation Centre (Ladner)
  • Minoru Place Activity Centre (Richmond)
  • Richmond Centre for Disability
  • Richmond Chinese Community Society
  • Richmond Public Library branches–Brighouse, Cambie, Ironwood, Steveston
  • Tsawwassen First Nation–Administration building, Lands department office

**Please note** Surveys are available in both English and traditional Chinese at in-person events. The online survey is in English only.

The feedback you share with us from May 23 to June 19 will be considered, along with other technical and budgetary factors, as we identify transportation priorities for the Southwest area.

Thank you for participating and making your voice heard!

Need more information?
Visit the project page or sign up for TransLink eNewsletters!

Author: Adrienne Coling

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