Thank you for participating in our Southwest Area Transport Plan
Thank you for participating in our Southwest Area Transport Plan

A big thank you to everyone who got involved and had their say on the Southwest Area Transport Plan (SWATP)! We received more than 3,200 survey responses between May 23 and June 19. We also heard directly from people at 16 in-person events, some with more than 500 people in attendance.
While we are still going through all of the input we received, some of what we heard included lots of support for proposals that identified new bus service, including new connections from Expo Line to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, a proposed service from Ladner Exchange to Langley, and new service along Blundell Road in Richmond. Additionally, there was support for increased frequency on existing bus services, such as the 301, 311, 388, 430 and C76.
Some of what we heard also included concerns with, or opportunities to further improve on, some of our proposals for the 480, 602 and C92, to make sure that commuters and other customers continue to be well served by transit. We’ll be sharpening our pencils and looking for better ways to improve transit in these areas.
Broad support was also expressed for the regionally-significant cycling corridors that were identified for new or improved cycling facilities.
What’s next?
We’ll be reviewing and carefully considering all of the feedback we received, and will work to revise and confirm the proposals to ensure that the Southwest Area Transport Plan reflects the transportation needs of the community now and in the future. Our final recommendations for transportation priorities will be based on the feedback we received, along with technical analysis and input from the local government partners.
Some of the recommendations may be implemented in the near-term and others further down the road. Either way, additional public engagement will occur before any of the plan’s recommendations are put into action.
We’ll share our Phase 2 report later this fall, which will include a summary of what we heard from the community, recommendations and how projects might move toward implementation.
Stay informed
The Southwest Area Transport Plan establishes a blueprint for the unique transit and transportation needs of this sub-region over the next one to 10 years.
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