Improved Transit Alerts are here!
Improved Transit Alerts are here!

In November 2016, we asked our customers how they use and access Transit Alerts. Today, we’re excited to begin rolling out improvements to Transit Alerts to make it easier for you to plan ahead!
Redesigned Alerts & Advisories
The Alerts & Advisories page at has been redesigned for both mobile and desktop to make it faster and easier for our customers to find the information they’re looking for. (You may need to refresh your cache.)
Alerts are now categorized under Bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West Coast Express, HandyDART, Station Access and Information Systems. The page layout is also cleaner, effective dates are clearer and alert types are visible at a glance.
What do you think of these changes? Tell us what you think about our new Transit Alerts page by taking our brief survey at This is just the beginning as more enhancements are coming!
TransLink branding in Google Maps
Do you use Google Maps to plan your trip? There’s now TransLink colours and naming! This means there are no longer codes such as “992” for the Expo Line —it’s simply a blue tag labelled with “Expo Line.”
This is all possible through improvements to our General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) file, which allows third parties such as Google to access our transit data.
Improved SMS
Customers can now sign up to receive email and/or SMS alerts to their devices with any mobile carrier (standard carrier rates apply). You will also see faster and more consistent alert messaging. Sign up to receive transit alerts!
Take the brief survey at and let us know what you think about the new Alerts & Advisories page. What about the Google Maps improvements? Leave a comment below.
Author: Allen Tung
I just noticed the Google Maps update this morning and it looks great! Love how open Translink is with it’s transit data.
thank you for the google map update -it’s wonderful and so much easier to read!
Sound Transit offers e-mail and text alert subscriptions. This service is free (text message charges may apply depending on your mobile service plan) and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Copy from the big transit systems like Toronto, NYC, London UK, your system lack many features
Sound Transit offers a variety of ways to stay up-to date with transit information. You can sign up for e-mail alerts and text message subscriptions, which are both free! If you decide that this service isn’t right for your needs or budget there is always unsubscribe option so it’s easy as pie (or should I say Sound Transit.)
This update is really cool. Thanks for sharing
Great update! I hope for many to come! Does it cover majority of cities?