Nice Needs No Filter – Pink Shirt Day 2018
Nice Needs No Filter – Pink Shirt Day 2018

This year’s shirt says it all – Nice Needs No Filter.
Pink Shirt Day, now a global movement, was started back in 2007 by two boys attending a Nova Scotia high school. After witnessing the bullying of a new student for wearing a pink shirt to school, the boys rallied dozens of classmates to wear pink in solidarity of the bullied student. The movement has gained traction over the years, with worldwide support and participation. Last year alone, people in almost 180 countries shared their support of Pink Shirt Day through social media posts and donations.
The focus for this years movement is Cyberbullying, something that we are no stranger to here at TransLink. Sadly, online bullying can come in many forms, from spreading rumours, threats, and just overall harassment. This year, we rallied our troops internally to show our support of anti-bullying. We stand with Pink Shirt Day and encourage others to choose kindness first, and encourage those online to combat cyberbullying by thinking twice before posting something negative and remembering that Nice Needs No Filter.
As a reminder, if you or someone you know is being harassed on transit, text 87-77-77, download the Transit Police OnDuty App, or visit to discreetly report a non-emergency police issue. Transit Police takes each report they receive very seriously.
Looking for more ways to support Pink Shirt Day? Check out for more information and follow on Twitter using the hashtag #PinkShirtDay.
Author: Sarah Kertcher