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New Look bus model among new transit merchandise launching

New Look bus model among new transit merchandise launching

The GM New Look bus, which operated in Metro Vancouver, until the early 2000s is now available as a model from the TransLink Store!

The GM New Look bus, which operated in Metro Vancouver until the early 2000s, is now available as a model from
the TransLink Store!


Take your childhood bus home!

For TransLink’s 20th anniversary, we’re throwing it back with an all new line of retro products in the TransLink Store.

The featured product is GM’s iconic New Look “fishbowl” bus which rolled through Metro Vancouver streets from the 1970s until the early 2000s. In fact, locals can still spot, and even charter this bus thanks to the Transit Museum Society of B.C. (TRAMS).

It’s gone from the streets, but not from our hearts.

This bus model is also available as a keychain and a t-shirt!

Head on over to the TransLink Store to grab yours today!

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