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How to find and give support during the COVID-19 pandemic

How to find and give support during the COVID-19 pandemic

A COVID-19 sign at YVR-Airport station
A COVID-19 sign at YVR-Airport station
A COVID-19 sign at YVR-Airport station

During these challenging times, we want to make sure that all TransLink customers feel informed and can access the resources they need.

Below you’ll find a list of services and resources available to you and your family here in Metro Vancouver:

COVID-19 Information

Social & Community Services

Financial Support

  • Access support for individuals, businesses, and industries through the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit.
  • Learn about the BC Emergency Benefit for Workers, which provides a one-time $1,000 payment for people who lost income.
  • Discuss options to refund Compass Card monthly pass by calling 1-888-207-4055, or refund West Coast Express monthly parking pass by emailing or calling 604-488-8906.

Getting Around

Giving Back


If you have any other helpful links or ideas, add it to the comment section below or send us an email!

Author: Rebecca Abel


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