TransLink launches ‘Wearing is Caring’ campaign
TransLink launches ‘Wearing is Caring’ campaign
TransLink is today launching a new campaign aimed at promoting the use of face coverings and non-medical masks on Metro Vancouver’s transit system. As part of the ‘Wearing is Caring’ campaign, more than 15,000 TransLink branded masks will be handed out at key transit hubs over coming weeks.
Street teams will be positioned at random locations across the system and customers may find they’re especially easy to spot when accompanied by TransLink’s new mask-wearing bus. The @TransLinkNews Twitter account will share the location and times on the day of each giveaway.
“We want masks to become a regular part of our transit system,” says TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond. “As part of our Safe Operating Action Plan we are recommending customers wear a face covering or mask while on transit or waiting for transit, if they are able to do so. If we can get to a point where most people on transit are wearing a face covering or mask, then it will be a safer experience for everyone.”
The ‘Wearing is Caring’ campaign will also see systemwide posters and decals installed to promote the use of face coverings and non-surgical masks. Social media giveaways will also be part of the campaign. Branded masks will be made available for purchase through the TransLink store later in the summer.
Importantly, transit customers must still ensure they stay off the system when sick, travel outside of peak times when possible, and maintain high personal hygiene standards. As part of its Safe Operating Action Plan, TransLink has:
- Increased cleaning and sanitization across all modes;
- Increased transit service levels;
- Created space where possible on vehicles and platforms.
Wear should be must. Pls make it mandatory. Pls
Yes make wearing a mask mandatory, it’s a great idea, I take the bus a lot and a lot of people do not wear masks.
We should, to keep other people and bus drivers safe.
Please enter me for the draw for a “T” mask. It’s an excellent idea to promote wearing a mask when using public transit.
Please enter me for the draw for a free mask. Wearing a mask when using translink services demonstrates Dr Henry’s mottos of “BE KIND” and “BE SAFE” !
If you’re a prisoner, then WEAR THAT MASK punk…..or else! If you’re a SLAVE, you better wear that mask punk! If you’re a dog, get muzzled NOW punk! If you’re a sold-out brain-dead brainwashed PUPPET, you will wear that filthy mask with that colony of bacteria swimming in wet poisonous CO2 expelled hot air re-inhaled that is slowly killing all your brain cells as you suffer from HYPOXIA punk! As for me……I ORDER YOU SLAVES TO WEAR THOSE SOILED MAXIPADS 24 HOURS PER DAY…….THAT IS AN ORDER.