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Join us for a Reddit AMA on Transport 2050, Apr. 28 at noon

Join us for a Reddit AMA on Transport 2050, Apr. 28 at noon

People-first streets, next-generation rapid transit and automated vehicles — those are the transformative actions that we need your input on during this phase of public engagement for Transport 2050, the region’s next 30-year transportation strategy.

You’ve visited, watched the explainer videos, listened to the podcast and read the discussion guide for all the details, but still have questions? We’ve got answers!

Andrew McCurran, who is TransLink’s director of strategic planning and policy, will be answering your Transport 2050 questions in an AMA (ask me anything) on the r/vancouver subreddit on Wednesday, April 28, noon to 1 p.m.

You can either join us live, or roll on over there now to ask your questions and Andrew will get to them during the AMA.

Andrew and his team look after developing strategic and tactical plans for Metro Vancouver’s regional multimodal transportation system. This includes the Transport 2050 regional transportation strategy, our TransLink Tomorrow program testing innovative ways to improve mobility in Metro Vancouver, the Regional Goods Movement Strategy, and more!

Not on Reddit? No problem. You can ask your questions in the comments below. We’ll have Andrew answer them during the AMA (time permitting) or we’ll have another expert weigh in.

So, drop your burning questions on the Reddit thread or comments here for Andrew and team to answer!

What is Transport 2050?

TransLink is leading the development of Transport 2050, which is the region’s next 30-year transportation strategy that will help shape the future of how we move and live.

In this round of engagement, until May 14, we want to talk about three specific actions that could help transform the region:

  • Creating people-first streets: making it safe and comfortable for you to walk, bike, or roll.
  • Building out the next generation of rapid transit: more than tripling the rapid transit network, making it quicker and easier to travel across the region.
  • Leveraging automated vehicles: enabling convenient access to car trips, without adding to congestion.

We want to hear from you. Help us shape the future of how we move and live. Have your say at


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