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Top-10 bus routes you rode the most in 2021

Top-10 bus routes you rode the most in 2021

Customers riding the RapidBus

Our annual “report cards” on ridership and transit services are out, revealing the 10 bus routes that you — our customers — rode the most in 2021. As there was no average day in 2021, we look at the most stable period of ridership during the year, which was the fall, between September 13 and December 5.

Before you get started, there are two foundational definitions on what sub-regions and boardings that you need to know.

To ensure local context and needs are understood and reflected in transportation planning, TransLink divides Metro Vancouver into sub-regions such as Vancouver/UBC, Southwest, Burnaby/New Westminster and so forth. A boarding represents each time a customer boards a bus, including transfers.

Here are the top 10 bus routes of fall 2021, starting with number 10.

10 | 9 Boundary/Commercial–Broadway/Granville/Alma/UBC

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 7,000 (Saturday), and 6,000 (Sunday)

9 Alma bus driving down Broadway

9 | R1 King George Blvd RapidBus

Sub-region: Southeast
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 8,000 (Saturday), and 7,000 (Sunday)

The R1 King George Blvd RapidBus picking up passengers at Surrey Central Station

8 | 20 Victoria/Downtown

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 9,000 (Saturday), and 7,000 (Sunday)

20 Victoria bus stopped on Granville Street in downtown Vancouver

7 | R5 Hastings St RapidBus

Sub-region: Burnaby/New Westminster
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 13,000 (weekday), 8,000 (Saturday), and 6,000 (Sunday)

R5 Hastings St RapidBus leaving a bus stop on Burrard Street

6 | 16 29th Avenue Stn/Arbutus

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 13,000 (weekday), 10,000 (Saturday), and 8,000 (Sunday)

16 Arbutus bus stopped at the Arbutus Greenway

5 | 319 Scott Rd Stn/Newton Exch/Scottsdale

Sub-region: Southeast
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 14,000 (weekday), 11,000 (Saturday), and 10,000 (Sunday)

319 Newton Exchange bus at Scott Road Station

4 | 25 Brentwood Stn/UBC

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 17,000 (weekday), 10,000 (Saturday), and 8,000 (Sunday)

The 25 UBC bus at the University of British Columbia

3 | R4 41st Ave RapidBus

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 22,000 (weekday), 13,000 (Saturday), and 11,000 (Sunday)

R4 41st Ave RapidBus picking up passengers at Joyce–Collingwood Station

2 | 49 Metrotown Stn/Dunbar Loop/UBC

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 22,000 (weekday), 14,000 (Saturday), and 11,000 (Sunday)

The 49 Metrotown Station bus departing UBC Bus Exchange

1 | 99 B-Line Commercial–Broadway/UBC (B-Line)

Sub-region: Vancouver/UBC
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 29,000 (weekday), 19,000 (Saturday), and 14,000 (Sunday)

The 99 B-Line bus with the T icon in the foreground

TransLink's T icon

Read the full 2021 Transit Service Performance Review and 2021 HandyDART Performance Review to learn more about these ridership trends.

Check out the top 10 SkyTrain stations from 2021.

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