How to take transit to school
How to take transit to school

Taking transit on your own is a big step towards independence. It can seem scary at first, but you’ll get the hang of it in no time with this guide on how to take transit to school.
Which Compass Card do I need?
The 12 and under crew rides TransLink services free of charge, so no Compass Card required if travelling on the bus, however if travelling on the SkyTrain, SeaBus or West Coast Express you’ll need a fare-paying guardian to get you through the fare gates. Here are some useful tips that can help you on your journey.
Concession Compass Card: If you’re 13-18 years old or a senior 65 and older, a Concession Compass Card will get you a discounted fare.
U-Pass BC: Eligible students from participating post-secondary institutions can get all-zone access to bus, SeaBus, and SkyTrain services within Metro Vancouver. U-Pass BC holders also receive discounts on West Coast Express services. You’d need to load it every month on your Adult Compass Card. Learn how to set up and load your U-Pass.
Adult Compass Card: Everyone can purchase an Adult Compass Card, so unless you’re eligible for a Concession Compass Card, this one’s for you.
Learn more about fare prices and where to get a Compass Card.
How do I find my route?
The best resource for planning any trip on the TransLink system is our Trip Planner. This tool allows you to enter in your starting point and destination, and it will give you several options to choose from. Trip Planner provides bus stop locations, route information, transit connections, and tells you how long your trip will take.
Already on the go? Use our Trip Planner at one of several digital touch screen kiosks on our system.
How do I know when the bus will come?
We have tools for our customers to take advantage of to track bus departures. Next Bus SMS allows riders to enter their bus route and stop number to determine exactly when the next bus is scheduled to arrive.
Text the bus stop number, and up to two bus route numbers, to 33333 (Std msg rates may apply) and we’ll send you the next two departure times for those routes. Make sure you leave a space between the bus stop and route number, (e.g., 60980 99).
We’ve partnered with Transit app to trial exclusive capacity predictions on buses so you can ride with confidence and comfort. With capacity predictions in Transit app, you can see if the bus is full or empty before you ride. You can also set Transit app’s trip planner to prioritize trip plans that have plenty of space.
Looking for a human connection? Our friendly Customer Information team is available to answer your questions on Twitter or by phone at 604-953-3333
Who do I ask for help?
@TransLink on Twitter is the best way to stay up-to-date on changes to service and to have your questions answered. Our Customer Service team answers your questions 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, and 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. If Twitter isn’t your thing but you want to check on Transit Alerts — go to, or call Customer Service at (604) 953-3333.
If you want to report a problem, contact Transit Police by texting 87-77-77, downloading the SeeSay App or calling 604-515-8300.